Tag Archives: lemon juice

Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherd’s pie is more of a “fall” food but after this rainstorm:

Summer doesn’t seem like summer anymore. So we went ahead and made it anyway. Colin makes the BEST pie crust ever and now I really want to bake a normal pie, like a blueberry pie because they are the best berries! Anyway, this is just a simple pie made with steak and garlic mashed potatoes. I’m going to include the pie crust recipe in this post, but you can use a pre-made crust if you would like.


1.5 pounds steak
salt and pepper
A splash of lemon juice
Grated Pepperjack cheese
One package of garlic mashed potatoes (or a package-sized amount if you make your own)
pie crust
(For pie crust: I wish I could site where this came from! I’m sorry. It’s the recipe I use.)

You can always choose to just use a pre-made crust, or your own favorite crust recipe. I will include the pie crust pictures and recipe in another post.


1. Make sure steak is thawed. Stick in pan over medium heat.

2. Cut into sizeable chunks and sprinkle with salt, pepper, and lemon juice.

3. Brown steaks in a pan.

4. Cut into strips.

5. Tear strips into small, shredded pieces with your hands.

6. Make your instant, (or from scratch), garlic mashed potatoes.

7. Bake your pie crust for about 10 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

8. Add your meat, topped with your potatoes and cheese, to the pie crust.

9. Bake until potatoes are slightly golden/crispy.

10. Enjoy!

You can also add so many other things to this, like peas, carrots, corn, gravy, bacon, etc.  Just experiment. 🙂
I never thought that I would like Shepherd’s pie but I LOVED this. I can only imagine how much I’d like it with corn and bacon (or even bacon bits to keep it simple.) I totally recommend this for those cooler summer days. And the pie crust is even better, in my opinion, when filled with fruit! Try a peach pie for something different.

Post by: Melissa Rook
Photos by: Colin Diltz and Melissa Rook